Can I Get a Retainer From My Dentist

Yous've lost or broken your retainer. Now what? You'll demand to get a new one, only how much does servant replacement cost? And where do you get your new retainer?

how much is a new retainer
Need a new retainer?

Come forth as we take you through all the odds and ends of replacing retainers, including:

  • New retainer costs
  • Where to get a new retainer
  • Buying retainers online
  • …and more!

Once you lot've read this commodity, you'll have all the data you need to buy the best replacement retainer for you.

Table of contents

  • 1 When should I go a replacement servant?
  • ii Can I get my replacement servant from a different orthodontist?
  • 3 How to get a new retainer
  • 4 How much does a new servant cost?
    • 4.1 Clear plastic retainer replacement cost
      • four.1.1 Invisalign retainer replacement cost
      • iv.1.2 Essix retainer replacement cost
    • 4.2 Hawley retainer replacement cost
  • five I lost my retainer and tin can't afford a new one
    • 5.i Inexpensive retainer replacement
  • 6 Can I buy retainers online?
    • 6.i Essix retainer online
    • 6.two Hawley retainer online
  • 7 Conclusion
  • eight FAQs
    • 8.1 How much is a replacement servant?
    • 8.2 Can you purchase retainers online?
    • eight.three How ofttimes should I get a new retainer?

When should I get a replacement retainer?

If y'all lose or interruption your retainer, you should make sure to order a new one as soon equally possible. This is important because afterwards orthodontic handling, your teeth will continue to movement.

Oft they endeavor to get back to their original position. The longer you put off getting a new servant, the greater the gamble you'll stop up with kleptomaniacal teeth again.

Aside from losing or breaking a retainer, some types of retainers require you to change them every few months or every couple of years. Hawley retainers can get longer than clear plastic retainers before needing to replaced – around 5 to 8 years. And permanent retainers tin can last twenty years or more – making it the longest-lasting – before they break or get unglued.

Here are some signs that y'all may demand to replace your servant if your servant:

  • Shows visible signs of wear, similar holes or cracking
  • Is cleaved
  • Has a buildup of plaque or is discolored (this tin be avoided with proper retainer cleaning)
  • Doesn't fit
  • Gets lost

Can I get my replacement servant from a different orthodontist?

Nosotros become it—the orthodontist you lot had when y'all had braces as a teenager is long gone from your life. It's commonly fine to see a new orthodontist. They might be able to request your records from your previous orthodontist, but they too may ask you to come in for new models of your teeth.

If you lot get the OK from your orthodontist, information technology's likewise fine to get your retainers online, as long as you apply a reputable company.

how much does it cost to get a new retainer
Go a replacement retainer for teeth

How to become a new retainer

The process for replacing retainers varies depending on the kind of retainer you have and who your orthodontist is. Mostly, however, to get a replacement servant, your orthodontist will need a model of your teeth to piece of work from.

This tin be made with the traditional molding putty, or with 3D scans, which tend to be more accurate. These models of your teeth will then be sent to a lab where your actual retainer volition be made.

You may not always have to take a new model of your teeth made if you need a replacement servant. If your orthodontist or dental lab has the records of your teeth stored in their organization, and if your teeth haven't shifted out of position, they'll be able to make your new retainers without y'all making a physical trip to the role.

In that location are as well a growing number of online options for retainer replacement. You tin can get articulate plastic retainers and Hawley retainers online. This process normally involves ordering a tooth impression kit online, making the models of your teeth at home, and sending them back into the visitor.

They will and then utilise your models to craft your replacement retainers in the lab and transport them back to you. Many people similar this option because it doesn't crave them to leave their dwelling house, while others prefer direct contact with their orthodontist, or may notice it difficult to make their own impressions at home.

If yous have a permanent servant, then you'll need to get your retainer replaced or fixed in office. Don't try to fix your permanent servant at home!

In the video beneath, Doctor Ty summarizes the procedure for getting a new retainer from your orthodontist:

Then, why practise y'all demand to to wearable retainers in the first place? Given a chance, your teeth will start to shift after your braces are removed or afterward y'all complete your Invisalign treatment. The just way to guarantee a perfect smile is to clothing your retainers. Retainers will just piece of work if yous wear them — and that'southward why we're going to outline exactly how to wearable retainers. Along the way, nosotros'll make sure that no question goes unanswered. To acquire more almost Retainers, Braces, or Invisalign cheque out the following articles on our website: Adult Retainers: Should I Vesture A Servant Equally An Adult? How To Vesture Retainers: Clothing & Intendance Instructions for Clear Retainers: How Do Braces Work: A Guide To The Price of Braces & Invisalign: Invisalign Vs. Braces Located in Arizona & thinking nearly getting started with braces or Invisalign? Call u.s.a. at (480) 361-4600 or visit our website to schedule a costless consultation! #Retainers #PremierOrthodontics #Invisalign #Braces

How much does a new servant cost?

The cost of replacement retainers volition vary depending on the kind of servant you get and where you go it. Permit's have a look at some of the mutual types of retainers and the cost of replacing them.

Clear plastic retainer replacement toll

The costs for replacing clear plastic retainers tin vary greatly. For a fix, you tin can pay anywhere from $150 to $800. To narrow down the price range, it helps to take a look at specific brands, like Invisalign (Vivera) or Essix retainers.

Invisalign retainer replacement cost

There is no stock-still cost for Vivera retainers (Invisalign retainers), but you lot can buy them in sets of four, which helps bring the price down a fleck. For a set of four Vivera retainers, you can expect to pay anywhere from $400 to $1,000. These are some of the most affordable retainers available, and they likewise tend to be quite durable.

Essix retainer replacement cost

Essix retainers are the original clear plastic servant and these can toll anywhere from $50 to $200 per set if you get them from the dentist. If you lot order them online, the cost can go downward quite a bit because you're cutting out the middleman.

If you lot're interested in ordering replacement Essix retainers online, make sure to choose a reputable service like Sporting Smiles. With Sporting Smiles, professionally trained technicians custom craft your retainers from quality materials.

You can save even more on Sporting Smile retainers by using promo code SMILE10 at checkout to get 10% off your guild. Become yours at present past clicking the button below:

And while you're there, make certain to take advantage of all of their Black Friday offers, including complimentary custom whitening trays on orders over $150 — run into details below!

Hawley servant replacement cost

Hawley retainers are often the best blindside for your buck, although they aren't the nigh aesthetic option considering they take a metal bar that goes across the front of your teeth. However, they are the most durable kind of retainer and they're easy to clean. They're also quite affordable, ranging from $150 to $300.

Take a look at the table beneath for a summary of the different retainer costs and lifespan estimates:

Type of servant


Permanent or removable?

Price range

Lasts for:

Permanent (bonded)

Wire stock-still behind teeth



Upwards to 20 years

Hawley (metal)

Wire and plastic



5-x years

Essix (clear)

Clear plastic



6 months - 3 years

Vivera (Invisalign)

Clear plastic


$400-k (toll for a set of 4)

1-5 years

I lost my retainer and tin can't afford a new one

Even the well-nigh affordable retainers tin can nonetheless take a chunk out of your budget, and y'all might exist tempted to put off replacing your servant to avert the actress cost. It's of import to not put off replacing your retainer because the longer y'all do, the more your teeth volition shift out of identify.

You'll likewise demand to get new molds made of your teeth, which could make the price of your replacement retainers go upward. So how can yous observe affordable retainer replacement? Let's find out!

Inexpensive servant replacement

The cheapest retainer replacement will be the online method. There are many companies offering affordable retainer replacement at a much lower cost than you would detect at the dentist.

In many cases, that doesn't mean that your online retainers are of inferior quality; it'due south just that because these online companies cut out the middleman and yous brand your own teeth molds at habitation, they're able to go on costs down.

Can I buy retainers online?

You can purchase retainers online. In fact, buying retainers online—new or replacement—is becoming more than popular because they are high quality and the procedure is convenient and affordable. You tin get most types of retainers online, including Invisalign, Essix, and Hawley retainers.

You tin can't get permanent retainers online because your dentist or orthodontist needs to be present to fix them permanently to your teeth.

Essix servant online

replacement retainer cost
Purchase retainers online

If yous don't want to, can't get to a dentist, or you're interested in saving money, you can use a diversity of online services to get Essix retainers online. These companies will send you an impression kit that you use to brand molds of your teeth at home.

Once yous've made your molds, you'll send them off to a dental lab. The lab volition create your retainers and then they'll send them back to you in the mail service.

This is a peachy option for many people, merely not everyone; in some cases, you lot may have to go see your orthodontist or dentist in person to go a new retainer, especially if your teeth have shifted a lot.

1 company that offers affordable and quality Essix retainers online is Sporting Smiles. They make it easy—just order your impression kit online, make your impressions, and then send them into the lab where professionally trained lab technicians volition custom-brand your Essix retainers.

Sporting Smiles also offers various bundle options:

  • Essix Plus, Set up of two: $130
  • Essix Plus, Single retainer: $xc
  • Essix Standard, Ready of 2: $110
  • Essix Standard, Single servant: $85

If y'all'd like to get your custom retainers from Sporting Smiles, click on the button below to get started and utilise lawmaking SMILE10 to salve an extra 10% .

And don't miss out on their other swell Black Friday deals!

Hawley retainer online

If you want to buy your Hawley retainer online, you lot'll typically pay between $150–$300.

The general steps you'll need to go through to get your Hawley retainer are equally follows:

  • Brand sure that the Hawley servant is near suitable for your needs. These retainers are typically used to agree teeth in place that are already straightened—they aren't used to straighten teeth.
  • Club your impression kit to make your teeth molds at home.
  • Take your teeth impressions per kit instructions.
  • Receive your replacement Hawley retainer in the postal service.


invisalign retainer replacement
Get new retainers pnline

At some point in your life, you'll probably need to supplant your retainers. Some retainers final longer than others—permanent retainers can last twenty years, whereas clear plastic retainers may demand to be replaced every couple of years. Some retainers need to be replaced every 6 months.

No matter what type of servant you have, it'due south important to supersede your retainers if they are cleaved, lost, or simply worn out. That's considering your teeth will begin to movement out of alignment, and yous may even need to get braces again.

To replace your retainer, you can visit your orthodontist or you can order them online through a service like Sporting Smiles. Sporting Smiles makes it hassle-free to replace your retainers.

It'due south also one of the almost affordable ways to go new retainers considering you make your ain tooth molds at dwelling house, cutting out the service fees of the middleman. If you'd like to club affordable, quality, clear Essix retainers online, you tin get started by clicking the button below.

Apply code SMILE10 to get ten% off your lodge.

Plus get free whitening trays on orders over $150 with the special Black Fri discount — see promo codes below!


How much is a replacement retainer?

The cost of replacement retainers will depend on the blazon of retainer you go and whether you get it in-office or online. Invisalign retainers can price anywhere from $400 to $ane,000. Essix retainers mostly cost between $l and $200, and Hawley replacement retainers cost between $150 and $300 to replace.

Can you lot buy retainers online?

In that location are enough of online services that create quality and affordable retainers, including Hawley and Essix retainers. To club a retainer online, you first order an impression kit. And so yous tin can make molds of your teeth at habitation and transport these back to the company, and they custom-make your retainers in a dental lab. In one case they're finished, they'll send your retainers back to you straight at home.

How oft should I get a new retainer?

The frequency with which you should supercede your servant depends on the kind of retainer. Some crave you lot to alter them every few months. Others, like permanent retainers, tin last 20 years. You should besides supersede your retainers if they show signs of severe article of clothing and tear, discoloration, or if they break or crack.


Natalie Asmussen

Natalie used to work as a Community Wellness Worker and Health Insurance Navigator. She continues to follow her passion for connecting people with the healthcare they need by writing informative content about dentistry and medicine.


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